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General Management:
Matthias Glaser, Daniel Spatz
Industriestraße 3
D – 79232 March-Hugstetten
Fon: +49 (0) 7665 9477228
Fax: +49 (0) 7665 9477218
HRB 706352 AG Freiburg i. Br.
Ust.-IdNr.: DE 275374021
Design, Planning, Project Management:
Matthias Glaser
Fon: +49 7665 9477228
Mobile: +49 151 12778552
Technical Project Management and Construction Management
Daniel Spatz
Fon: +49 7665 9477228
Mobile: +49 176 11277855
Conzept, Design, Text: alpha-Marketing / Müller Messebau GmbH
Technical Implementation: ANTWORT:INTERNET
Raphael Glaser | Heike Häberle
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